Imperial Guard:
- Company Command Squad
- Veteran Squad
- Veteran Squad
Both Veteran Squads were equipped with heavy weapon support in the form of autocannons, as well as a Heavy Flamer each. They took the doctrine choice that grants them defensive grenades and camo cloaks, as well as carapace armor. The Company Command Squad had a mix of things, including a plasma gun, a sniper rifle, a medic (for Feel No Pain) and a regimental standard.
Chaos Demons:
- Skulltaker on a chariot.
- Soul Grinder.
- Pink Horrors with a changeling.
Fearing the large demon and eyeing my autocannons, I deployed all my forces in some fortifications in the backmost corner of the map. I placed my objective there as well. My plan was to have the demons come charging across the open plains and suffer several rounds of LasCannon/LasGun fire.
I was then informed that the Chaos Demons would not be deploying at all, and would be deep-striking onto the battlefield. Whoops. Fortunately, there was practically no space behind my guardsmen for the demons to appear, so the only safe place to deepstrike was still in front of me, and I'd get off some good volleys, right?
Turn 1:
The Chaos player agreed, and attempted to deepstrike. However, he scattered... right into the tiny gap behind my line of forces! Disaster! His Soul Grinder took out 2/3 of a veteran squad on its arrival, and was paired with the pink horror around it. Annihilation seemed imminent.
On my turn, I had the remainder of the Vet Squad fire on the walker. The Autocannon scored a good hit, so we rolled for vehicle damage... Vehicle Destroyed! The fire from the remaining squads whittled the pink horrors down to 3 models. Surely, victory was within my grasp!
Turn 2:
The Chaos player attempted to deepstrike his Skulltaker onto much the same place as he had attempted to deepstrike the walker.... and scattered into the EXACT SAME PLACE, which was now clear of obstructions due to the destruction of the walker. Cruel fate. His shooting was a big nothing, but his pink horrors charged my command squad. Though the command squad got the better of it, the pink horrors survived, locking my Command Squad into assault and depriving me of orders.
I fired heavily at the Skulltaker, but the LasCannons simply could not hit and despite a few wounds, the Skulltakersurvived. In Assault, the pink horrors were wiped out.
Turn 3:
The Skulltaker charged my command squad. They were beaten, inflicting no wounds in return. They broke, fled, and were swept up and killed.
One of my squads had insufficient LOS for a shot due to foritfications in the way, the other squad fired into the Skulltaker, inflicting another wound, bringing him down to 1 remaining. I could win this!
Turn 4:
The Skulltaker assaulted my fully-healthy veteran squad. They were defeated, inflicting no wounds in return. They broke, fled, and were swept up and killed. DAMN!
My remaining squad (which was down to 1/3 of its numbers, remember) fired, and failed to wound.
Turn 5:
The Skulltaker fled behind the fortifications, contesting the objective and blocking LOS to my vets.
I moved the guardsmen away, towards the middle of the map. My plan was to flee all the way to his deployment zone and contest HIS objective, ensuring either a tie or forcing his chariot out into the open.
Turn 6:
Die roll. Game ended. He had one objective contested and I had none. Victory to the Chaos Demons.
It was a fun game with a lot of tension, mostly centered around the assaults and the autocannon shots. I suspect I could haev deployed better, what seems to have done me in was a lack of opportunity for extended firing on his Skulltaker combined with the clustering of my guardsmen making it easy for him to assault a squad each turn. I suppose I could have assaulted him, but since none of my squads ever survived a round with the Skulltaker, I felt it better to have him assault me, and let my defensive grenades and his assault through cover grant me some advantages. They didn't play out.
O'man that demon player is good.